These agents are called carcinogen. As a result of this, cancerous cells just continue to divide giving rise to masses of cells called tumors. This property is called metastasis. Antibodies against cancer-specific antigens are used for detection of certain cancers genes- person is advised to prevent exposure Treatment of Cancer Majority of drugs have side effects like hair loss, anemia, etc. Victim of Drug abuse.. Effect of Smoking… The transitional period can bring up issues of independence and self- identity; many adolescents and their peers face tough choices regarding schoolwork, drugs, alcohol, and their social life.
Curiosity 2. Need of adventure 3. Excitement 4. Experimentation 5. To escape from stress 6. Drop in academic performance ii. Lack of interest in personal hygiene iii. Withdrawal and isolation from family and friends iv. Aggressive and rebellious behavior v. Lack of interest in hobbies vi. Change in sleeping and eating habits vii.
Fluctuations in weight Masculinisations ii. Increased aggressiveness iii. Mood swings iv. Abnormal menstrual cycles v. Excess hair growth on the face and body vi. Enlargement in clitoris vii. Deepening of voice Acne ii. Depression iv. Reduction in size of testicles v. Decreased sperm production vi. Potential for kidney and liver dysfunction vii.
Premature baldness viii. Enlargement of prostrate glands ix. Enlargement of chest. Total views 91, On Slideshare 0.
From embeds 0. Number of embeds 1, Downloads 3, Shares 0. Comments 0. Likes Statistic presents information on the total number of male and female victims in the United States, using a study from Because the U.
RAINN presents this data for educational purposes only, and strongly recommends using the citations to review any and all sources for more information and detail. Riggs, T. Murdock, W. Walsh, A prospective examination of post-traumatic stress disorder in rape victims.
Journal of Traumatic Stress Foa Eds. Rape in America: A Report to the Nation. Allen J. Wilcox, David B. Dunson, Clarice R. DNA evidence can increase likelihood of holding a perpetrator accountable. Read More. Sexual violence has fallen by half in the last 20 years. As part of a comprehensive strategy that included participation in the C. Version 4. Our goal is for the telecommunicator to instead inform the caller of the location of nearby AEDs.
We back our advocacy and commitment with comprehensive and accessible resources. By providing exceptional, industry-supported AED registry solutions at no cost—and we genuinely mean free in all aspects—we strive to remove deployment impediments. The PulsePoint Respond app, the North American standard in alerting willing bystanders to CPR-needed events, is currently in more than communities and has built a network of more than 2.
In the Fairbanks area alone, more than 50 people die annually from cardiac arrest. Many times, there are people nearby that are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR. Even in the very best system, though, it takes several minutes for someone to dial and for emergency medical personnel to arrive at the scene of the emergency.
We've added a powerful new search tool that quickly locates AEDs by establishment, geographic location, or prominent point of interest. You'll also find a flexible new filter tool that displays just the AEDs or colocated resources you would like to see. AED administrators can now view and resolve user-reported issues from within the app. Our professional services staff assists with integrating PulsePoint into the local emergency communications center and provides the insight and tools necessary to ensure widespread community adoption of PulsePoint Respond and PulsePoint AED.
A team with vast experience in public safety and project management enable high-quality deployments. Based on lessons learned from prior PulsePoint implementations, our staff will validate that your project adheres to methods proven to deliver lifesaving results. Our entire team, including many volunteers, bring a shared passion for helping public agencies improve emergency response and save more lives.
Project Management.