Karanjit Sigot. Munnangi Nagendrareddy. JanakiRam Babu. Popular in Science. Daniel Cerna. Resty Franz Paciente. CheeKhiong Chang. Razi Mahri. Maulana Ardianto Budi Prakoso. Burdo Adwin. Alex Scott. Albao Mirah. Mothafukin Morrissey. Wang Zi. Earl Harbert. Using Systems of Differential Equations for Modelin1-mecanica. Richard Icaro Esparza. Otorthen Manziz. Jini John. Jhon Kenyi. Javier Galarza.
Parassinikadavu, Kannur. Marawan Zghloul. Show More. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. E, Ph. Estimating the dimensions of pair of straight bevel gears. Worm Gear: Merits and demerits- terminology. Thermal capacity, materials-forces and stresses, efficiency, estimating the size of the worm gear pair.
Cross helical: Terminology-helix angles-Estimating the size of the pair of cross helical gears. Design of plate clutches —axial clutches-cone clutches-internal expanding rim clutches- Electromagnetic clutches. Band and Block brakes - external shoe brakes — Internal expanding shoe brake. V, Shanmugam. Course Outcomes Highest Level C Mention their types. The power drive us a set of machine members employed to transmit power or energy produced in one machine to another machine.
The drives which transmits power by means of contact forces are called as mechanical drives 1. Law of belting states that the centre line of the belt, as if approaches the pulley lie in a plane perpendicular to the axis of that pulley or must lie in the plane of the pulley otherwise the belt will run off the pulley. A belt is a loop of flexible material used to link two or more rotating shafts mechanically, most often parallel.
Belts may be used as a source of motion, to transmit power efficiently or to track relative movement. The total number of belt layers used in a belt is called number of plies. A number of layers of belt material is cemented together to achieve the desired thickness of belt.
Hinged joint: Metal hinges may be fastened to the belt ends and connected by a steel or fibre pin. Laced joint: In the laced joint, holes are punched across the belt, leaving a margin between the edge and the holes. Which is better? Flat belts are made of different sizes such as 3 ply, 4 ply and V belts are made up of different grades such as A, B, C, D and E grade belts.
Belt rating is defined as the power transmitting capacity of unit size of flat belt or a particular grade of V belt. The thin wide belt possess more surface contact are with pulley that thick narrow belt, thin belt can transmit more power than thick belt for a constant weight.
Hence thin wide belts are preferred. This reduces the fatigue and creep stress. Hence the belt life increases and will last more than a shorter belt. The motion of belt and pulleys are governed by a firm grip between the belt and pulley. In order to increase the grip for power transmission, the belt is tightened up. Due to tightening the belt is subjected to tension is called as initial tension 1. The increase in arc of contact will increase in power transmitting capacity.
The height of the crown depends upon the width, speed and length of belt. This increases the frictional resistance and prevents the slip of the belt from the pulley. The crowning tends to keep the belt in centre on a pulley rim while in motion. Specify the purpose of crowning of pulley. This results in reduced fatigue and creep.
Hence, the belt life increases. What is its effect on the speed? The slow movement of the belt; moving back slightly relative to the driving pulley and forward slightly relative to the driven pulley due to unequal stretching of the belt in the tight side and slack side of the belt drive in operation is known as creep. S 15 The effect of creep back on the driving pulley is to slow down the speed of the belt with respect to driving pulley.
The effect of creep forward on the driven pulley is to slow down the speed of driven pulley as a result, the speed ratio is reduced 1. By this, the tension is adjusted so that the required initial tension T0 is maintained in the belt drive. How is it tightened on a shaft? Split pulley are used in flat belt, line shaft applications. Duggal Free Download June Charles H. Roth, Larry April April 6.
Popular Files. Grewal Book Free Download April Bansal Book Free October Verma Book Free Download February Dutta Free Downlaod August 5. Trending on EasyEngineering. March May 5. December Mckay — June 8. Estimating the dimensions of pair of straight bevel gears. Worm Gear: Merits and demeritsterminology.
Thermal capacity, materials-forces and stresses, efficiency, estimating the size of the worm gear pair.