The files are being stored via custom API. In Laravel 5. Possible duplicate of stackoverflow. Jamesking56 Nah, first of all the post you linked is about S3 which Laravel supports out of the box as a possible remote disk so not my case.
Secondly, even if the post was similar, there's basically no answer. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Limon Monte Limon Monte Is the copied file removed by garbage collection or should you unlink it yourself? If so, how can we do this as we are returning the response here?
Theo Kouzelis Theo Kouzelis 2, 5 5 gold badges 33 33 silver badges 63 63 bronze badges. Your method is much better than copy especially when its a large file like a video download. This gives causes php to run out of memory. Hardik Savani My name is Hardik Savani. Follow Me:. How to install Vue JS in Laravel 7? Laravel where not null. Laravel group by. Laravel Get Base Url. Laravel left join query example. Laravel right join query example. Get Current date time in laravel. Laravel Update Query.
Laravel get last inserted Id. Laravel session. Laravel Get Url Parameters. Laravel pagination. Laravel 5 Print Last Query. Laravel Cache. Also see download multiple files as zip in php Zipper a handy wrapper for ZipArchive. Elias Elias 1, 7 7 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. Thank you for your help. I will use zip for my work now. I would not say that it is completely impossible though it's correct for one request.
I think at something like popping up two browser windows each starting a download. But it's not worth the problems and packing the files is a good solution. Google and Flickr both offer a way to download multiple files at once. I'm still not sure how they manage to do it. If you are using the storeAs method, you may pass the disk name as the third argument to the method:.
If you would like to get the original name and extension of the uploaded file, you may do so using the getClientOriginalName and getClientOriginalExtension methods:. However, keep in mind that the getClientOriginalName and getClientOriginalExtension methods are considered unsafe, as the file name and extension may be tampered with by a malicious user.
For this reason, you should typically prefer the hashName and extension methods to get a name and an extension for the given file upload:. In Laravel's Flysystem integration, "visibility" is an abstraction of file permissions across multiple platforms. Files may either be declared public or private. When a file is declared public , you are indicating that the file should generally be accessible to others. For example, when using the S3 driver, you may retrieve URLs for public files.
If the file has already been stored, its visibility can be retrieved and set via the getVisibility and setVisibility methods:. When interacting with uploaded files, you may use the storePublicly and storePubliclyAs methods to store the uploaded file with public visibility:. When using the local driver, public visibility translates to permissions for directories and permissions for files. You can modify the permissions mappings in your application's filesystems configuration file:.
The files method returns an array of all of the files in a given directory. If you would like to retrieve a list of all files within a given directory including all subdirectories, you may use the allFiles method:. The directories method returns an array of all the directories within a given directory.
Additionally, you may use the allDirectories method to get a list of all directories within a given directory and all of its subdirectories:. The makeDirectory method will create the given directory, including any needed subdirectories:.
Finally, the deleteDirectory method may be used to remove a directory and all of its files:. Laravel's Flysystem integration provides support for several "drivers" out of the box; however, Flysystem is not limited to these and has adapters for many other storage systems.
You can create a custom driver if you want to use one of these additional adapters in your Laravel application.